We invoice our clients each month based upon the time spent on your matter and the applicable hourly rate of the solicitor involved. In line with other firms our billable hour is broken down into ten 6-minute units and you will be charged for the time spent by us progressing your case. For example, if we have a telephone call from you that lasts ten minutes this will be charged as 2 units.
We will ask for a payment on account of our fees at the outset of the case and whenever we are likely to incur an expense such as a barrister or valuer or when we are approaching a hearing.
No, we do not undertake Legal Aid work. Legal Aid is only available in a limited number of cases, please follow the link Check if you can get legal aid – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) if you qualify then to find an advisor near you, enter your location in the link Find a legal aid adviser or family mediator (justice.gov.uk)
We specialise in family law work including divorce and dissolution, financial remedy work arising from the relationship breakdown and children work.
In respect of the children work this may include with whom a child shall live and with whom a child shall have contact with. We also advise upon specific issue applications such as where a child should go to school or to have a foreign holiday. We can also advise upon Prohibited Steps actions such as preventing a parent from taking a child out of the country.
Our expertise also extends to Schedule 1 Children Act claims where financial provision is sought for a child where the parents are unmarried. Cohabitation and property dispute claims and agreements. Pre and Post nuptial agreements. Injunction work such as non-molestation and occupation orders.
We do not advise upon adoption or surrogacy matters or child support tribunal disputes.
We do not advise in respect of Wills, Trusts, Probate, Employment law, Commercial Law, Clinical Negligence or personal injury.
No, we only do private family law children work such as contact arrangements or where a child shall live.
We offer an initial meeting for a fixed fee, during which we are able to meet with you and establish your instructions. We will then provide you with estimates based upon the nature of the work that is to be done.
No, we will only act for one individual. If agreement has been reached, then we can draw up the documentation, send that to your partner, and invite them to take them own independent advice should they wish.
No, we do not.
Yes, if you are unhappy with the way your case is being dealt with then we would invite you to make an appointment for which you will be charged our initial fixed fee meeting charge, we will then assess with you what we may be able to do on your behalf and whether it is cost effective to change solicitors. Please call us on 01179 259 539
Please bring two pieces of identification with you. You will need one item of photographic ID, such as your passport or driving licence and a second item that confirms your current home address such as your council tax bill or a utility bill or a bank statement. The evidence should be under three months old.
If in any doubt as to what forms of ID are acceptable, then please do call 01179 259 539.
Yes, we can do a change of name deed for a fixed fee of £500 inclusive of VAT.
Yes, we would ask for your partner’s details in order to carry out a conflict check to ensure that we have not given advice to your partner. Given the nature of family law work it is necessary to have a conflict system in place to avoid the scenario of both parties instructing a different lawyer from the same firm as in that case both parties would then need to instruct new lawyers having possibly already incurred fees. If you start a new relationship then we will also ask for those details to ensure that there is no conflict.